- 2020 – present: Assistant Professor, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, Nijmegen
- Spectroscopy of Cold Molecules department of Prof. dr. Sebastiaan Y.T. van de Meerakker
- 2017 – 2020: Postdoctoral researcher, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY, Hamburg
- Controlled Molecule Imaging group of Prof. Dr. Jochen Küpper
- October 2017 – September 2019: Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral research fellow
- 2012 – 2016: PhD Cold and Controlled Collisions & Theoretical Chemistry, Radboud University, Nijmegen
- Cold and Controlled Collisions group & Theoretical Chemistry department
- Dissertation title: Unraveling Molecular Collisions: Experiments and Theory
- Advisors: Prof. dr. Sebastiaan Y.T. van de Meerakker, Prof. dr. ir. Gerrit C. Groenenboom, and Prof. dr. ir. Ad van der Avoird
- Graduation date: 10 February 2017.
- 2010 – 2012: Master of Science in Natural Sciences, Radboud University, Nijmegen (cum laude)
- Specialised in Physical Chemistry
- Research project (minor) at Theoretical Chemistry & Solid State Chemistry
- Research project (major) at Molecular and Laser Physics & Theoretical Chemistry
- 2007 – 2010: Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences, Radboud University, Nijmegen (cum laude)
- Research project at Applied Molecular Physics
- 2001 – 2007: Gymnasium, Gymnasium Camphusianum, Gorinchem (cum laude)
Grants, awards and honors
- NWO Open Domain Science-M Grant (2022).
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2020).
- Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers (2017).
- Frye Stipendium (Radboud University, Nijmegen, 2015).
- ‘Radboud Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hooglerarenprijs‘ (Radboud Women Professors Network prize) for excellent young female scientists in the category Beta, Radboud University, Nijmegen (2021).
- Poster Prize, CFEL Internal Symposium, Timmendorfer Strand, Germany (2019).
- 23rd NTvN award, second prize (NTvN, 2017).
- Poster Prize, Physics@FOM Veldhoven, Veldhoven (2015).
- Best Poster Award, Stereodynamics conference, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (2014).
- IMM Award for Best Poster Presentation, sIMMposium, Radboud University, Nijmegen (2013).
- Participated in the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting dedicated to Physics (2016).
- MSc degree in Natural Sciences, cum laude (Radboud University, Nijmegen, 2012).
- BSc degree in Natural Sciences, cum laude (Radboud University, Nijmegen, 2010).
- Participant in the ‘Prämienprogramm’ of the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (2006).
- 2020 – present: Teaching the course ‘Electromagnetism‘ for second year bachelor students in Physics, Astronomy and Science (Radboud University, Nijmegen).
- (Co)supervised several summer students, project students, bachelor students and master students during their internships/research projects
- 2014 – 2016: Teaching assistant in the Master course Molecular Physics (Radboud University, Nijmegen).
- 2012 – 2015: Teaching assistant in the Bachelor course Chemical Bonding (Radboud University, Nijmegen).
Invited presentations at conferences
- Towards cold and controlled reactive collisions, International Symposium on Molecular Beams, Crete, Greece (2023)
- Towards cold and controlled reactive collisions, EGAS 54, Strasbourg, France (2023)
- Towards cold and controlled reactive collisions, New directions in cold and ultracold chemistry workshop, Leiden, the Netherlands (2023)
- Towards controlled reactive collisions, Stereodynamics, Crete, Greece (2022)
- Towards controlled reactive collisions, Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions conference, Durham, UK (2022)
- Towards controlled reactive collisions, MOLEC, Hamburg, Germany (2022)
- Towards controlled reactive collisions, International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic (2022)
- Molecular collisions: from molecular billiards to chemical reactions, International Symposium of Molecular Beams, online (2021)
- Molecular Collisions Coming into Focus, Stereodynamics conference, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (2014)
- Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the Stereodynamics conference (2022 – present)
- Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions conference (2022 – present)
- Member of the Scientific Committee for the NNV AMO Annual Meetings (2022 – present)
- Member of the NWO Advisory Committee Nano, Quantum and Materials Physics (NQMP) (2022 – present)
- I visited the Stedelijk Gymnasium in Nijmegen to give a lecture for high school students about our research (Nijmegen, 2023).
- I visited the Sint Ursula school in Horn to give a lecture for high school students about our research (Horn, 2023).
- I participated in the Open House of the Faculty of Science for the general public. We performed demonstration experiments and gave lab tours (Radboud University, 2022).
- I gave an invited lecture entitled Molecular collisions: from molecular billiards to chemical reactions as part of the ‘Molecular Sciences Colloquium’, open for all students of the programmes in Molecular Life Sciences, Chemistry and Science (Radboud University, 2021).
- I gave lectures and participated in information sessions at the Open Days for the Bachelor study Science (Radboud University, 2021 & 2022).
- I visited the Raayland College Venray to give a lecture for high school students about our research (Venray, 2021 & 2022).
- I assisted during Wissen vom Fass (Pint of Science), where scientists go to local pubs and present their work (Hamburg, 2019).
- I participated in a Scientific Speed Dating event with high school students (DESY, 2019).
- I gave an invited talk entitled Towards imaging small (bio)molecules in action at an event from the German Society of Humboldtians for its members and scholarschip holders of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation (XFEL, Schenefeld, Germany, 2019).
- During the so-called Lehrerfortbildung, I supervised a high school teacher who came to our department for one week to perform research (DESY, 2018).
- I participated in a project called Wetenschap de klas in (Science in the class room), to translate our research on molecular collisions into a book chapter for primary school teachers. This was part of the Radboud Science Award for Prof. dr. Sebastiaan Y.T. van de Meerakker and we developed the chapter in close collaboration with the Science Education Hub Radboud University and some primary school teachers (Radboud University, 2016). See Chapter 3 about molecular collisions, 2016.
- I gave an invited lecture entitled Collisions between cold molecules for the students from the student association Leonardo da Vinci from the study Science (Radboud University, 2016).
- I was invited to give a presentation at the Radboud first-year students symposium for Molecular Sciences (Radboud University, 2015).
Media Coverage
- ‘NWO Open Competition Domain Science-M Grant for Jolijn Onvlee‘, Radboud University, 2022.
- ‘Radboud Network for Women Professors Prize 2021 for Jolijn Onvlee‘, Radboud University, 2021.
- ‘I am fascinated by studying small molecules and atoms at the highest possible level of detail’, Radboud University, 2021.
- Lehrerfortbildung (outreach activity), DESY, 2018.
- Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship awarded to Jolijn Onvlee, DESY, 2017.
- Molecular collisions unravelled, Second prize NTvN Award, 2017.
- Wetenschap de klas in, Science for Children, see Chapter 3 about molecular collisions (outreach activity), 2016.
- Drie talentvolle wetenschappers geselecteerd voor Lindau ontmoetingsdagen (three talented scientists selected for Lindau meeting), KNAW, 2016.
- Press release: Colliding molecules exhibit strange behaviour, Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter, 2016.
- Press release: Slow motion molecular collisions unraveled, Radboud University, 2015.
- Press release: Collision spin-off (helium and carbon monoxide), Radboud University, 2015.
- Poster prize at Physics@FOM 2015, NWO, 2015.
- Press release: Molecular collisions now imaged better than ever, Radboud University, 2014.
- Het lab in: botsingen onder in het Huygens, VOX magazine, 2012.